Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We like to move it.

Some of my semi-intense children's capers. ;O) Spirited, high-energy children often get a really bad rap for being as busy as they are, so I thought I'd do my part in spreading the hilarious JOY they can be.

Oh, heck. Who am I kidding? I'm totally just showing off my insanely cool kids. ;oP


  1. Now THAT is living life with gusto! I love it and will share what my infinitely cynical thinking shares with my friends. That's the kind of material you cherish and hold onto until each of them is in their third trimester, oh say week 38-39ish and then you hand them the montage. Let them watch, let them know and let their toes curl in anticipation. LOL

  2. HA I LOVE IT!!! You're right..our kids do get a bad rap...but who cares...only us prents really know what spirited is all about!

  3. You would post this the day before leaving the two oldest spirited kids with me as you leave town. I have a list of things to do and we may have snow fun to add to the mix. Maybe I will have a montage for you when you get back. :)

  4. LOL, go for it mom! I will say, though, you have the talent for keeping busy little hands love and occupied..that's why they love their Gramma and Paga so much! <3
