Thursday, August 27, 2009

Recycled baby hoodie

Twice a year, my mom and I hit the consignment sales for the girl's clothes for the next two seasons...I'd say it was completely out of frugality, but I have to admit that along with being able to clothe 3 girls for $150 dollars or so, it's one of the dizzingly happy perks of raising kids on a reasonable budget. :D I get a wonderful high out of it. My nerdy theory is that is hearkens back to my hunter/gatherer roots. (I'm envisioning some ancestor coming back into her family tent with a basket full of nuts and berries and roots on her head, silly with glee over the great bounty she found, with her husband nodding and grunting with a bemused glint in his eyes...but I digress.)

Anywho, I'm in the habit of looking over the sleeves and collar of baby items for stains, and tossing basic items into my bag if they're under a dollar, which is exactly what I did with this happy little mustard colored hoodie.

I failed to notice the spectacularly mass-produced look of the glittered rainbow/butterfly combo, and when I spotted it at home, I blinked in consternation. And then remembered some fabric I'd picked up at a secondhand store a month ago, and realized it would be a cute match. Whee! I spent the evening stitching and entertaining baby with left hand while watching Arrested Development.

Butterfly/rainbow glitter paint explosion:


With the panel of fabric sewed on:


and a crocheted flower


tada! B'Eva likes it. Photobucket



  1. That's so pretty! (I almost said sew pretty, but that would just be cheesy)

  2. i'm telling you woman. you are my hero! i have piles and piles of little fun crafty projects piled up in my head...and you do them :)

  3. very creative and pretty! I love it!

  4. a) that baby COULD. NOT. POSSIBLY. BE. more adorable!!!!!

    b) that hoodie ROCKS! i've been wanting to transform some oldies into re-worked newbies...and this may be just the kick in the backside that i need ;)

  5. It is very interesting what i have read, keep going.

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